Feb 062008

It certainly has been a wild ride these last few years and I find myself becoming reluctant to talk about any of the details of my ever so melodramatic life because it all seems so very over the top. It’s been hard. I guess I am just paying in advance for the salad days that are just over my horizon. When my address changes to “General Delivery, Easy Street, Vangroover, BC Canada”
I’d like to believe that.

Anyway, not to come out and sucker punch folks now that I have you thinking about other stuff but my dad died last week.
I haven’t really been talking about it because I can’t really think of anything to say about it. It’s all sort of surreal, and then that sounds like a stupid thing to think since the man has been dreadfully ill for the last couple of years. I sort of think that since my mom died, he didn’t think there was so much left to fight for. I dunno. I do tend to believe that he finally gave himself permission to let go, but I wasn’t there and I don’t really know what happened inside his head.

Anyway, he’s gone.
And she’s gone.
I confess, I don’t harbour images of a verdant and pastoral place where they are goofing around now, but I’d like to. If he threw in the towel because the woman he loved his whole life was gone, then I hope that somehow, they get to be 18 and together again.

Rodger Dodger
over and out.

 Posted by at 11:30 pm

  5 Responses to “What to say…”

  1. Ah, Spike. I hear you, I am in that kind of boat. We’ll paddle outta this surreal sea alive somehow…

  2. My parents died witihin 6 weeks of each other (several years ago). I know some of what you may be experiencing. And yeah… it was hard. And it was a lot to cope with in a short period of time. But it’ll get better. Shoot, Spike… As much as you’ve been through at this point, the sun must surely be just around the corner. When you’re walking down the sidewalk, just keep an eye out for the person who’s throwing their grand piano out the upstairs window, OK?

  3. Spike
    I’m so sorry about your dad. you’ve been thru so much in just a year, I hope that there is a light at the end of your tunnel. I am one of those people who truly believe that your parents are “18”, in love and together.

  4. Spike-
    I’m so very sorry. I had tears when I read your post about cleaning out your parents home. I lost my mom to OC, she was 58, and I often think what a rip off. She and dad got shafted for sure. I’d like to think of my mom, somewhere, with her feet on the coffee table with a warm cup of coffee. I feel just so awful for you. It’s certainly been a really shitty few months for you. It is so unfair for sure. What is it they always say? You are never given more than you can handle? I think it’s a load of crap.

  5. I’m so sorry. Take care.

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